It's all a bunch of Croc |
(get the picture??)
(more like not so legal duck... politics & banksters, too)§
Cranberry Crane
(yes, we DO mean football. . . among other things)
stay cool
CROCTALES MOTTO:anything goes We're simply drawn to (do) it
click on picture (thumbs) to enlarge, click on lower right corner for additional enlargement Croc('s) advice:If you see a light at the end of the tunnel......
it might NOT be an approaching train.....but a bright outlook instead Croc's (Easter) Investment Advice:
put all your carrots into one cake, but think twice before you put all your eggs into one basket.... WARNING: This is a race-car-toon
follow the yellow brick road
... it might lead you to the Sunshine-State (to our fellow snow birds)
follow signs and instructions (every now and then)
Don't gamble on your luck
remember: the bank always wins...except if you've got a little friend "helping" you at/with the table.... Be polite! It doesn't take much effort to make this world a friendlier place. Books are fun......
one way or another....
The pen is mightier than the sword
. . . especially when it comes to drawing a cartoon
... not just to bees. How to behave near a bee hive.
A bean counter might not always be what you think......
Looking for more? Check out the CROCTALES legal eagle....... or in our case duck.
Gratis Counter by GOWEB |
CROCTALES - Let's Croc! Your South-Florida comic for the young and the young at heart. Starring: CROC the alligator, four little orphan ducks and the Cookie-Mouse, of course with lots of guests and visitors; snowbirds included. With CROC philosophy & advice including our own version of online banking and daylight saving, our personal donut & diet site, a new learning site for kids, our EconCOMICAL task force, the LITTLE GREEN PLANET series, a trip around the world, Florida snap shots, croc history & evolution, funny weather reports, lots of duck talk, classifieds & jobs, a wild goose/duck chase, sports & events including GOLFING, the Super Bowl and much, much more. Croc's story & adventures. Cartoon ducks in action. The shy Cookie-Mouse learning something new, not just English and new words but interesting facts about Italy, Florida, the FL state fruit: orange and how kids can make a difference. Croc's comic archives, ducks can('t) spell - go figure, word games, reading between the lines, a little Italian and German and even Chinese. Have fun! THANK YOU for stopping by- Let's Croc!CROCTALES - Lets Croc - DAS Florida Comic für junge und jung gebliebene, mit einem Alligator namens Croc, vier frechen Enten und der schüchternen Cookie-Maus. VIEL SPASS bei unserer Version von Online-Banking, der EconComical Task Force, der neuen CROCTALES for KIDS Lernseite, der Serie über unseren kleinen grünen Planeten - our little green planet - mit Raumfahrt Comics und einer Lösung für die Probleme mit dem WC in der ISS, Astrologie, neue Sternbilder, unsere nicht ganz ernst zu nehmenden Diät Vorschläge, CROCTALES Geschichte & Evolution, Florida Wetter, Hurrikane und Tornados, Kummerkasten und Ratschläge der etwas anderen Art, Sport & Events, Spaß für Golfer, Football und der Super Bowl, CROC Philosophie und sonstiger Unsinn. VIEL SPASS und LETS CROC!COPYRIGHT 2000 - 2012 Eva M. Schemmerer CROCTALES - Let's Croc! is a Registered Trademark |